bring me your pumpkin

Now I am in Portland. The weather today was so gorgeous. I did that Run Like Hell Half Marathon this morning, and it was a bit brisk, but it was so beautiful! I felt like such a doofus because I was having such a pleasant time (but the downhills made my black toenail even blacker, and I think it’s going to fall off soon. Oooh, too much information. Sorry).
I did no knitting en route to Portland, but I did read The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, which was very cute. It offers some wise words regarding pumpkin, which I thought were quite timely: “You could think and think and get nowhere, but you still had to eat your pumpkin. That brought you down to earth. That gave you a reason for going on. Pumpkin.” Now that’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout, people!!!

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9 Responses to bring me your pumpkin

  1. Em says:

    Aw, how very timely! I think I requested this the last time you were in Portland, but if you could please, give Powell’s a hug/kiss/loving caress and tell it I’ll try to be there very very soon. It’s not right that Powell’s and I should be separated like this.

  2. Hedi says:

    Glad you made it to Portland! It might have been brisk during your Run Like Hell, but it was Hot as Hell down here yesterday!! Speaking of hot, that’s some fire raging in the Southland. There was so much smoke, they had to cancel all the flights going and coming from LAX.
    That’s funny about Mma Rowotsne and pumpkins. All this talk about heat, I just remembered that pumpkins are considered a “cooling” food.

  3. Silvia says:

    You’ve put pumpkin in my pea head, I went to and searched all the pumpkin dessert recipes. Pumpkin flan with pumpkinseed praline sounded like a winner…
    RE: toe…may I remind you that bandaids come printed with many fun thangs…Powerpuff girls, Pokeman, dinosaurs. Consider the toe a fashion accessory.

  4. kay says:

    they are making a movie of ‘no 1 ladies detective agency’ with the director of the english patient. i am really curious who will play the characters.

  5. Rachael says:

    That book’s next to read on my towering pile…..

  6. megan says:

    Today I ate pumkin ice cream at Mitchells in the Mission. It was perfect!! Not too sweet, you’d love it!

  7. megan says:

    Today I ate pumkin ice cream at Mitchells in the Mission. It was perfect!! Not too sweet, you’d love it!

  8. megan says:

    Do you want I should post that one more time??!!

  9. alison says:

    Mariko, let me know if you simply cannot live without pumpkin Pocky.

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