Before I could set up my sweatshop to crank out running gear, I had to finish this blouse (changing the threads on my serger is not too horrible, but I’m also too lazy to do it very often). The fabric is double gauze and is from my stash. The pattern is from a Japanese craft book, Blouse Pants Skirt (catchy name, huh?).
The double gauze is very soft and comfy. Even though I made another blouse from this same pattern, I still harbor some doubts about it. I just don’t know about this smock look on me. Peter said, “Oh, I like that you change your style. It’s kind of, I don’t know, matronly.” This was followed by a long pause, and then he said, “Maybe I shouldn’t say that.” But, he meant it as a compliment. This is the same guy who wants me to let my hair go completely grey. I may be old, but I’m not old enough yet to be some silver hair!
Did you follow the pattern as is or did you make alterations? I’ve been thinking about making this for a while now.
I think the smock turned out nice but they always remind me of maternity tops. You’re nice and slim so people probably don’t think that of you. They would of me with my tummy. I think if you lengthened the top, it would make a nice nightie. Or maybe you could make panties to match it and leave the length alone for a baby doll-ish pajama set.
You make lovely stuff! The smock is nice and I agree with the previous comment that you are nice and slim. Maybe add a bit of waist shaping?
Ooops..forgot to add…my hubby looked at one of my tops and said it looked a bit “garbage baggy”! I would rather have a “matronly look” rather than a “garbage baggy”!
totally cute top, and i love the pants too. and i am SO with you on denying the grey!
The top looks great. I don’t think it looks matronly at all.
I am anxiously awaiting the results of the Great Panty Experiment.
I think the top looks great! Nice work, as usual 😉
This is so cool! I love the collar and I love the buttons. Great work! I still have to make my duct tape dressform, thanks for the advice!
Did Charlotte just tell you to make panties?! Panties panties!
Yes, the smock style works well on you. You are slim and can pull it off. With those kinds of tops on me, when I bend over, the whole thing blouse-s out and looks sooooo maternity. My excuse is that it “is so comfortable”, but I think what I mean when I say that is that I should wear those tops at home, and be comfortable.
Garbage baggy? Love it. The comment from my husband was, “mmmm….fukuro-ppoi.” I think he was trying for “potato sack” and could not think of the English fast enough.
maybe peter meant “lady-like?”
I read this thing about how men think grey hair on women is hot. Hmmm. Anyway, the blouse looks like a sleep shirt in a really good, comfortable way. I just got distracted for a few minutes looking up luluemon clothes, but they don’t sell them where I live. 🙁 Bummer.
Good seeing you the other night. I’m gonna check out that french fry stand tonight! See you at 2am, right?
I think you look cute in the smock! Peter’s comments always make me laugh!!
It looks so comfy. I love hearing Peter’s comments. It’s so familiar. At least he probably doesn’t burst out laughing like mine does.
That blouse is adorable!
Peter could call you silver girl in the matron top!
You need to keep a journal of all of Peter’s comments and start a greeting card line of “how not to say it”. It’s funny as he’s an English teacher, extremely literate and well read, but somehow manages just the oddest syntactic comments. I guess that’s why you love him.
As to the gray, that’s extremely crazy. Dye on sister!
I love the neckline, just not the smocky treatment going on. Maybe a belt with some attitude? sort of cossack-y? Or change the bottom to an asymmetrical closure?? I dunno. Like the fabric. Peter is so glib.
I love it and it couldn’t look more perfect on you.
Ditch the top – unless you’re pregnant!
What’s wrong with grey? ;> I’ve had grey strands since I was 10 years old…now that I’m nearing 40, the strands are chunks! I use the wash-out “stain” and do it at home, unfortunately this has left all sorts of black spots (w/my black hair) all over the bathroom sink.
Love the blouse, you can get away with it. A flannel plaid for fall would be a very post-modern feminist lumberjack-y kind of look.