mason-dixon wind

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Ann and Kay with Elizabeth, fastest purler in the West and owner of Knit Knot Studio

Kay and Ann blew into town for a day, and I was able to monopolize their afternoon! I feel very fortunate, because you know they are quite FAMOUS nowadays. They even made an appearance on a local morning show, AM Northwest.
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First we picked up some cupcakes at the Sugar Cube, a very cute little food cart in downtown Portland.
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We then hit a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch, because Ann requested “noodles.” She didn’t care which country they came from, but we thought Italian might make us too sleepy. Isn’t that the most beautiful cup of coffee? I love Vietnamese coffee. This didn’t have an excessive amount of sweetened condensed milk in it, so it wasn’t overwhelmingly sweet (yes, yes, how would I even KNOW if something were too sweet, right?).
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Properly satiated, we moved up the street to Knit Knot Studio, a great little yarn shop where Kay and Ann were instantly recognized by the customers and owner. Check out the edge on the scarf in the photo–a very cool i-cord edging! The owner, Elizabeth, knits very, very quickly and her purling technique is super speedy. I call it the Polish Purl because she is originally from Poland, and she mentioned that everyone in her country purls that way. I need to get back down there to learn the technique!
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Finally, we had MORE coffee with the Chicken at Caffe Umbria. The three of them knit while I ate the contraband cupcakes.
I wasn’t able to make it to the Powell’s reading, but I am certain it went beautifully. By now I imagine everyone has their new book: Mason-Dixon Knitting Outside the Lines

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11 Responses to mason-dixon wind

  1. sara says:

    I just picked up a copy of the book and smiled when I saw that a project was named after you. =) I have to say that it’s been a long, long time since a knitting book has made me want to pick my needles again, but this is the book. It’s that good, isn’t it?

  2. amy in az says:

    Dude! I picked up my copy at Purl-soho during our NYC trip last week. In the hotel room I SQUEALED at Mr. Mark when I saw my indiana/az homegirl Kiki (my knitting bud who I met in az, only to find out we grew up in neighboring indiana cities and our parents wen to high school together) AND my most favorite superasian! GREAT JOB! and I love the book.

  3. debbie says:

    i just picked up their book after looking at the pictures in the bookstore – waiting to settle in and do some reading – i do love their writing….

  4. oh my god, i am so jealous that you got to meet and hang with those two…. a long time ago i left a comment for them and invited them to visit me when they come to Japan on a book tour… they sent a nice reply, and I got the feeling that Japan isn’t in the works any time soon!!!! I can’t wait to get their new book!!!

  5. Kay says:

    Dude I am pretty sure that there are a few people who don’t have a copy yet (so THANKS),
    That afternoon was the only time we got to shoot the breeze and drink all the coffee we wanted. So great to see you crazy kids.
    xoxo Kay

  6. Jennifer says:

    How wonderful! What a fun way to meet and greet fellow bloggers/knitters. Hmmmm. The Sugar Cube? I so want to go there when I come to Portland. Mmmmmm.

  7. Susan M says:

    M, when I read “Mason-Dixon Wind” I thought these were Southern girls who just ate too much tofu (yes, tofu gives me *that*, but I love it so I don’t care). Okay, that’s just me being gross. I am envious that you have that Sugarcube place to go to for cupcakes (Rochester is…well….kind of lame). What a great day with your buddies! And yes–that coffee is beautiful.

  8. Seanna Lea says:

    Sugar Cube sounds like my kind of place. I just love sugary sweets (much like the Vietnamese coffee)!

  9. susan says:

    If you learn the “Polish purl” be sure to share!

  10. Maggi says:

    Oh I’m jealous! They don’t have Virginia on the calendar yet at all. You look fab on MDK’s post. What IS that neck thingy, and where did your father find it?

  11. Lydia says:

    I can’t believe that I missed their Seattle visit! I didn’t even know they were coming. Man!

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