My first attempt with the lotion mask

Somewhere in Japan, Chizu Saeki is laughing really hard.

Anyway, in Saeki’s The Japanese Skincare Revolution, she says the lotion mask is one of the best things for your skin. She suggests the Miss Webril cotton pads, but I couldn’t find any. For the lotion, I decided to go ahead and buy the one pictured in the book: Nars Hydrating Freshening Lotion (I got it from at 20 percent off through some promotion). She says to add a quarter-size amount of the lotion to the pad, but the pad seemed to soak it up really quickly. I’ll keep trying this for a while, but I don’t have a ton of patience, so we’ll see what happens.

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24 Responses to My first attempt with the lotion mask

  1. Claire says:

    It’s not that bad. No one looks good during beauty treatments. 🙂

  2. mina says:

    your blog never fails to inform and entertain 🙂

  3. LisaK says:

    wow…very Silence of the Lambs-y! The price of beauty, eh?

  4. So is this mask for the ultra moisturizing effect? Good luck. Don’t give up too easily! You’re our only hope. (^_^)

  5. sally says:

    Eek! You scared me at first glance! =)
    What did Peter say when he saw the lotion mask? I want his commentary!!

  6. Lori says:

    You are such an inspiration to me… as you will try anything. However Chizu Saeki’s skin does look amazing so she must know what she’s doing. I will check back later and see how your results turn out.

  7. Yuan says:

    omfg you are so awesome. you are my hero.

  8. megan says:

    You are by far the nuttiest friend that I have.

  9. um. kinda scary.
    like, what’s that on your face????

  10. Daisy says:

    Oh, I sooo hear you! I’m in exactly the same boat. Asian skin brown spots galore. I asked the dermatologist about them and he said that I was just a “spotty person”. How helpful is that? Please let us know the results.

  11. Luna says:

    What comments did Peter have for this?

  12. cara says:

    wow! my you look so different than last night! let me know how it turns out. I hope you take an “after” shot.

  13. Lydia says:

    Whoa, that’s funny! I needed something to lighten-up my mood tonight, and leave it to you to deliver!
    I have a couple of large brown spots that have appeared on my face in the past few years, but I don’t think any lotion is going to make them go away, I think they’re my genetic reaction to the sun (freckles). They’re unsightly, but oh, well.

  14. Nicole says:

    Funny! How often are you supposed to do this?

  15. amy k. says:

    omg. really. should I print this photo out? magnets for the fridge? priceless.
    I expect baby butt smooth skin on your face next time we hook up, woman.

  16. Julia says:

    I think you look cute!
    If it works, all the better.

  17. You need to get, “Don’t go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me.”
    Very scientific. very trustworthy.
    But you won’t look like a insane murderer though, which is a downside.

  18. You need to get, “Don’t go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me.”
    Very scientific. very trustworthy.
    But you won’t look like a insane murderer though, which is a downside.

  19. Jennifer says:

    Mariko: You’re cracking me up. I love that you are so courageous as to post that wonderful picture. Hehehe. I bet it works like a charm. When I lived in Brazil, my host family (Mom and sister) would always come out of the kitchen with some food-based beauty treatment (I distinctly remember mayonnaise in the hair!) This picture just makes me long for a facial.

  20. Jennifer says:

    Mariko: You’re cracking me up. I love that you are so courageous as to post that wonderful picture. Hehehe. I bet it works like a charm. When I lived in Brazil, my host family (Mom and sister) would always come out of the kitchen with some food-based beauty treatment (I distinctly remember mayonnaise in the hair!) This picture just makes me long for a facial.

  21. Susan says:

    I love those paper lotion mask things! I used to use them in China where they were super cheap. I always felt like my skin was more hydrated after.

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