run away

Be afraid, originally uploaded by super eggplant.

Whenever I go to Rose City Textiles, I get into trouble. Even if I intend to buy NOTHING, I inevitably walk out with about a hundred bucks’ worth of fabric. I cannot help myself, and the store manager, Annette, knows it. She hypnotizes me and leads me around the store like a marionette. It is very effective.

So, since I already have a stash of activewear fabric, I decided I should jump in and make something. This stripey fabric I actually got from the Fabric Depot outdoor sale. They had an impressive and enticing selection of activewear fabric over the summer.

Now, I had decided that making my own running tights might not be the best decision, since the industrial machines sew such superior seams, and hey, if I dole out about $50 I can even get a zippered pocket! But, what the heck, I have the fabric, so why not make some shorts-tights (that’s what I call these shorts that fit like tights. Duh). They actually turned out quite well in that they are comfortable, and I can run in them and all. Now, I fully realize that the horizontal stripes aren’t doing my butt or my big ol’ thighs any favors, but perhaps I will be encouraged to run a little faster so I will be more of a blur than an eyesore? Yeah, probably not, but too bad, cuz I’m wearing them!

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12 Responses to run away

  1. sil says:

    Well I think they’re adorable and I hate to break it to you, but you are a slender girl. You are allowed to wear horizontal stripes, or whatever you darn well please girl!

  2. freecia says:

    Nope. I’m sure those are pretty darn cute. Also on the upside, drivers can probably see you a bit better in colors than in blacks.
    What other uses does activewear fabric have?

  3. christina says:

    What big ol’ thighs?? Those look really, really cute and very comfortable.

  4. Jennifer says:

    Very cute! And, you’ll be easy to spot by the drivers on the road – so they have an added safety feature!

  5. Lulu says:

    I think you look fly (how old am I anyway??) or dope or whatever the whippersnappers are saying these days.
    Those Dopie shoes look like they’re very difficult to navigate.

  6. Seanna Lea says:

    Wow. These are like the clown tights of the running wear world. Most running gear is so darn sedate compared to these!

  7. Sally says:

    I love the stripes!
    What pattern did you use?

  8. becky says:

    RCT is like a fabric crack house. I go in for one thing and I come out (like you) with yards and yard of fabric!

  9. splatgirl says:

    Holycrap, those are beyond cool, and based on my internet experience of your thighs, I bet you look fabulous in them.
    I’m jealous of your mad activewear sewing skillz and the fact that you have such wicked fabrics at your fingertips.
    Keep up this crazy coverstitching awesomeness!

  10. kelli says:

    Ooh, Annette hypnotizes my mom, too. I guess that’s a good thing for the rest of the family since we get cool jackets and pants out of the deal.

  11. your spats are cute….
    i used to wear spats when i worked out in a gym 4 days a week… i worked out in a gym so i could wear spats…
    these days… not so much…not spats but SPLATZZZ
    your post is hilarious… you should write a book.

  12. Bird says:

    what fun! and much more exciting than my plain black nike running tights. those came out perfectly!

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