magknits lives!

Most of you are by now aware that MagKnits is online! Congrats to Kerrie and her band of hard-working and talented helpers. There are a lot of cute patterns in there that I can’t wait to make! I am definitely going to make Alison‘s soccer mom sweater. It is very sporty and cute, and as Peter can tell you, I cannot resist a zipperneck. I also love the little pom pom socks by Gwyn and the chunky and fun hat by Leigh. I don’t mean to sound cheesy or fawning, but I am honored and rather surprised to be among such amazing company!

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10 Responses to magknits lives!

  1. gwyn says:

    Thanks! I love your java jumpers too! They really popped out at me when I first saw MagKnits, and I know the gals at the yarn shop are going to go crazy for them, since it’s also a coffee bar and the annoying paper sleeves they use end up absolutely everywhere. Yay MagKnitters!

  2. Becky says:

    I loved your pattern! Very you, Mariko.

  3. Melissa says:

    Very fun design Mariko!

  4. Kerstin says:

    Alison’s soccer mom sweater would look great on you. Bend It Like Alison! 😉

  5. Bethanie says:

    Congrats on your pattern being public – looks awesome.

  6. Em says:

    I LOVE the java holders, Mariko! I’m definitely making some to carry around with me. I love it–fashionable, and environmentally conscious to boot! You rock on with your bad designin’ self.

  7. Eklectika says:

    I thought the java sleeves were cool too – especially because of the finger loops! I totally want to make a Tricot too…
    …oh and my present is on the way to you! 🙂

  8. Stella says:

    Hello Mariko! Totally cute cup holders! How hip can you get?

  9. Susan says:

    yeah, Mariko!!! Congrats on the pattern in Magknits!!! I will be making one or two or three…thanks!!! Too fun!

  10. Leigh says:

    I’ve only just discovered a reason to go into coffeehouses (don’t like coffee but really wish I did) on a daily basis–chai! I’m totally addicted. Anyway, those cardboard sleeves confounded me and I looked like a total dork standing there holding it up, saying, “hey Dave, whaadda ya think dis is for?” Anyway…
    Great work on your magknits java-a-gogos–you are so creative! Congrats! 🙂

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