the spices of life

I frequently go on and on about how much I love Penzey’s, the spice store. Sadly, I have never set foot into a Penzey’s store, and many of you who do not live in the Midwest probably haven’t, either. Well, now is your chance to change all this. If you live in a city with a population of at least 300,000, you could have a Penzey’s in your city by the end of the year! HOW, you ask? Well, Penzey’s is having a contest. You just have to send in a postcard stating you would like a Penzey’s in your city. Get your neighbors and friends and relatives and hairdresser, trash collector, vet, yarn store proprietor, ANYONE and EVERYONE to send in a postcard, and you might win. Wouldn’t that be exciting? Since I live in a town of 25,000, there’s no chance of a Penzey’s landing here, but I am going to vote for my hometown of Portland, OR!

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6 Responses to the spices of life

  1. Allison says:

    YAY! I love Penzey’s! I read their catalogue like a book.

  2. Taya says:

    Penzey’s is the bomb but don’t forget about poor Oregon Spices….

  3. Sara says:

    Thanks for the tip on Penzey’s! I’m probably moving to MN in a few months and am headed there in a few weeks to check out Minneapolis. I’ll definitely have to check out one of their stores. (Looks like there’s one in St. Paul and one in Minneapolis!)

  4. Becky says:

    Hm…I wonder if I’m eligible? Me want Penzey’s!
    P.S. Don’t you just love that smiley face cup on the cover of the catalog???

  5. Susan in PA says:

    Oh, wow! I love Penzey’s! Thanks for the contest info!

  6. Heidi says:

    *gloat* There’s one within a nice walking distance from my apartment!
    I hope those of you who don’t have one already will get one soon. It sounds like they’re really expanding. And it sure is fun to go in there–the free recipe cards are the best!

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