olive you

My friend Megan gave me an issue of Olive Magazine, a Japanese magazine that I can only describe as a lifestyle magazine. I guess it’s kind of like a japonesque Martha? There’s some crafting, some food, some profiles of artists, some shopping info, that sort of thing. It’s pretty cute!

olive cover.JPG

Here’s a profile of some crafter who makes little dolls. I love the hedgehog doll (I’m kind of collecting hedgehog-themed items, too, along with soft serve stuff, donut paraphernalia, etc.):
olive dolls.JPG

And ideas for making a basket tote much cuter by weaving in fat yarn (fuzzy photo, sorry):
olive tote.JPG

And some beautiful food items. Check out those chocolate hands!
olive food.JPG

On a completely different note, I had my colonic yesterday. Let’s just say those things are not for everyone. It was quite interesting. If you’re curious about what the contraption that administers the hydrotherapy looks like, read on …

This is the giant plastic chair thing you spend 45 minutes on:


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14 Responses to olive you

  1. Kathy says:

    That chair looks a bit like a dentist’s chair, only frighteningly backwards. Hopefully the experience was mainly pleasant?

  2. Chris says:

    That does look like a cute magazine! Have you ever been to the Hedgeblog? She’s a knitter with a pet hedgehog (and other pets).

  3. charlotte says:

    looks interesting…do you feel much better afterwards? may be it could help me, too. do you plan to do that regularly?
    greets from germany, charlotte

  4. Susan says:

    that is gross but i’m really intrigued, i’ve been thinking about it for awhile, especially after living in china and eating better food, and then when i come back home i eat such crap and i feel like maybe i will feel better if i cleanse old stuff and try to eat better… this is really disgusting talk, but i want to know if you feel better! or different? or cleaner? or lighter? better skin? happier? has it changed your outlook on life? are you now rich and beautiful??????

  5. Gina says:

    Interesting…I’ve had them on a sort of massage table. I love how light I feel afterwards. I love the flatness of my stomach too.

  6. hannah says:

    that photos is intimidating to say the least! olive looks very interesting, but mostly i am in LOVE with the font on the front cover. is that strange?

  7. amber says:

    Its Olive Oyl from Popeye! How cute!

  8. freecia says:

    Ooo. I hope you gained some benefit from that. Cute Mag!

  9. Jeanette says:

    Can I ask how much they charge over there? Is it covered by your insurance company? I really want to do one too.

  10. lisa says:

    I think the chocolate hands freak me out more than the colonic. Is there a need for very realistic but edible hands?

  11. jenny r says:

    Is olive oil featured on the cover every month? Can they do that? Maybe the character is so old that it is ok. Really odd! And I never thought her to be too domesticated. In fact of all the sisters in her house, I think she may have been the most boy-crazy, least house wife-ly. Or I could be wrong.

  12. cari says:

    That chocolate hand is making me nervous…
    How are you feeling?

  13. Jessica says:

    do you know about mypapercrane.com ?
    if you are interested in donuts you might find what you are looking for here

  14. sasha says:

    Love the magazine, will definitely have nightmares about that chair, hope it was worth it.

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