Attention local peeps!

BV pumpkin shake.JPG
The Burgerville pumpkin shakes have arrived!

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11 Responses to Attention local peeps!

  1. debbie says:

    boy that looks real good, especially with this sticky, muggy, still weather we have here in hawaii nei!

  2. danielle says:

    did you say BURGERVILLE???? YUMMY YUMMY YUM!

  3. hannah says:

    oh that means it is time to get pumpkin custard from my favorite place here. thanks for the reminder!

  4. Melanie says:

    Had one yesterday. Pie in a cup!

  5. kelly says:

    omg! is there anyway at all that one of those could get to me?!? like teleported, or beamed up, or telekinetically dreamed here? we *love* pumpking stuff at our house!

  6. Lydia says:

    It’s a good thing we live a few hundred miles away, or else my husband would be there in a flash…um, I’d better not tell him about it or he’d go regardless!

  7. Tracy says:

    Oh…that looks sooo delicious! Being an American tranplanted in Norway I find fall difficult due to lack of pumpkin and/or pumpkin products–Not much Libby’s pumpkin or other over here, only in big cities, hard to find…boo-hoo…sniff..

  8. Tracy says:

    Oh…that looks sooo delicious! Being an American tranplanted in Norway I find fall difficult due to lack of pumpkin and/or pumpkin products–Not much Libby’s pumpkin or other over here, only in big cities, hard to find…boo-hoo…sniff..

  9. Adelaide says:

    Moving to Martinique has me oddly missing a lot of things. The arrival of the Burgerville pumpkin shake is one.

  10. monica says:

    Charlie had the pumpkin blizzard from Jack in the Box and he said it was really good!

  11. michelle says:

    ha! i keep seeing pumpkin everywhere, but i still can’t get into it. i’m so used to cold=pumpkins. ah, such a portland newbie i am!

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