Well, my friends, it’s time for the BIG NEWS: Buzzville Kelly and I have teamed up to start an online fabric shop, and it’s OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW. It’s called superbuzzy, and I hope you will all shop there (and feel free to steal the button at right). We specialize in Japanese imports and will continue to add to our inventory so that we can offer you the most fantastic, fun, and unique fabrics. We also plan to offer zakka products (i.e., super cute and crafty Japanese products) down the road. We’re really excited about this endeavor and hope to grow our stock like crazy.
Kelly taught herself CSS and designed the entire web site (and the very cute logo) with help from her husband Jerry. I certainly couldn’t have done it, so I thank the stars she is my partner (you see, the key is to have a really smart and capable partner!). I will be handling order fulfillment, which means my DNA is going to be smeared all over the fabric and packages.
I have to make a few acknowledgements here. We could not have started superbuzzy without the help and support of our families (Peter has been a huge champion of superbuzzy), but we also never would have gotten off the ground without the enthusiastic help of Molly, Jan, and Kat. They were really instrumental in catapulting us from the idea stage into reality. Also, thanks to all of you for your ongoing encouragement in all my crafty endeavors. I don’t know that I would have had the motivation or the wherewithal to really move forward with superbuzzy without your support. Please know that superbuzzy is your shop as much as it is ours, and I hope you will stick with us as we learn the ropes. Now shop on!